Problem solved! 🙂
I found the solution in the meantime here:
Mar 01, 2020 Note: This may or may not make any difference but The Mini’s have a common Admin User (with the same password on both Minis) that is used for the screen sharing. FWIW these same settings allow me to share the screen of a second user on my wife’s 2013 27” iMac. If no one is logged into the iMac, it brings up the main login screen. SSH into the box, or open a local terminal. From here, you can launch the following to enable screen sharing with a specified password: sudo /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -activate -configure -access -on -clientopts -setvnclegacy -vnclegacy yes -clientopts -setvncpw -vncpw password1 -restart -agent -privs -all. Jan 03, 2018 Since the client had a second Mac available, I decided to enable Screen Sharing on the MacBook Pro via Terminal, which allowed access to the faulty laptop over the network from the iMac and, more. I am also trying to get screen sharing to work from Mac #1 to Mac #2. Mac #2 is on a home network behind a Westell router, and Mac #1 is on the internet. I am using DynDNS to get the router's ip address, and I have enabled screen sharing on both Macs.
1/ In the ssh session to my my iMac:
a) cd /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/
b) sudo ./kickstart -activate -configure -access -on -privs -all -restart -agent
2/ Than on my local MacBook Terminal:
a) cd /System/Library/CoreServices/Screen
b) ./Screen Sharing &
3/ In the popup I connect to my ssh tunnel... (localhost:5901)
Hope this may help somebody else in the future...
Aug 6, 2011 5:07 AM
You are viewing the actual display screen, not a virtual screen. As far as I know, the only way to change the screen size is to use the remote system's System Preferences -> Displays -> Resolutions.
However, I do know that Mac OS X Lion does seem to allow a virtual screen if you do not connect to the current active user, but rather to a another user that would be accessible via Fast User Switching. I do not know if you can mess with that user's System Preferences -> Displays -> Resolutions independent from the current active user controlling the physical display output (yes I know you have not connected a screen, but the primary user's output would be seen on an attached screen if it was connected, were as the Fast User Switching user does not have a screen until they are switched to the monitor, and when you remotely login in and DO NOT Fast User Switch, they never get control of that physical screen, so I'm making a wild guess that you might be able to do what you want, or not :-) ).
Normally I also run a headless Mac mini, but at the moment it does have a monitor attached, and it is running Leopard, so I cannot experiment with Lion's Fast User Switching to see if my above guess is correct.
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